No Shortcuts to the Top by Ed Viesturs with David Roberts read by Ed Viesturs - It's quite a story
about achieving your inner goals. Ed became a veterinarian but found the profession's demands conflicted with what he really wanted to do - climb mountains and be really good at it. As a result Ed Viesturs is now regarded as one of the best high altitude mountaineers in the country.He recently completed climbing 14 of the world's highest peaks
I liked his style of not taking unecessary risks; His caring for others.
The trouble with listening to this adventure is that I didn't know a lot about particular mountains and foreign names;
So I went to Ed's website and followed his trail.

The Plain Janes by Cecil Castellucci - Jane survives a catastrophic event that happens to her city. A Polish artist survives as well though he is hospitalized. Jane takes his sketchbook. She also recovers a dandelion that is unscathed.
Her family moves to the country - the story centers on Jane's orchestrating the direction of a
group of misfit students each named "Jane." She creates P.L.A.I.N. for "People Loving Art in Neighborhoods."
The Plain Janes produce innovative art constructs much to the consernation of the local town sheriff.
A bit confusing but an Okay read for me. The book received a starred review in Booklist.
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