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Megan Meade's guide to the McGowan boys : a novel by Kate Brian I think that this was my favorite of all the books I read for this (Summer 2007). This is because it was funny, interesting and fresh. I really enjoyed the book, it kept my attention and I hope she writes another like it. Reviewed by: Katie 8th grade
Pardon My French by Cathy Hapka
I loved this book because it really took you to France and all the amazing places there. The characters and their stories were fun to read about! This book got me hooked on all the S.A.S.S. books. Very good!
Reviewed by Katie H. 9th grade
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
This is an enlightening story of a young Japanese girl in times of war. I was so affected by the hardships of Saguri and fascinated by geishes (who) are like prostitutes. Geishas do not exist anymore. I feel like I learned more about a lost people of Japan.
Reviewed by Melissa 8th grade

Poison Ivy by Amy Goldman Koss had a good, interesting plot. Also, it was unique because the story was
told in 1st person from several different characters, so you could really tell
what they were thinking. Also, the story didn't really have a happy ending,
but it was a little refreshing because so many stories have happy endings, but life
doesn't always turn out that way.
Reviewed by Ellie 8th grade

Eats shoots & leaves by Lynne Truss an excellent grammar book, filed with humorous examples
of grammatical slip-ups, witty remarks,and simple rules to remember for punctuation.
Still educational,yet entertaining and clever. Lynee Truss creates a convergence of the
actual fun of learning while pruning the ridiculous nuances and repetitiveness that
most grammar books have. In essence, this book teaches grammar without being boring, and is, quite wonderfully enough, based on a joke! An additional plus are the stickers.
Reviewed by David 11th grade

Sound of Munich by Suzanne Nelson
I liked this book a lot because it had a mystery in it and was funny at the same time.
I was hooked on this book till the end!
This book takes place in Munich, which made it interesting to read.
Reviewed by Rachel 8th grade