Jenn's Pick!
Stephenie Meyer's first Adult novel is a good snack in between the courses of the gigantic meal that is the Twilight Saga--something to tide us all over. Stephanie's calling this story "sci-fi for people who don't like sci-fi." We tested that at the library, giving it to Diane, who really, really, *really* doesn't like sci-fi. And she liked this!
The general idea is that a bunch of aliens, called Souls, have invaded Earth and taken up residence inside human beings. Aside from the fact that the human's consciousnesses (if that's a word) have been consumed, things are pretty good. There's no more violence, people don't need money, and though it's not mentioned specifically, I'm sure the Souls took care of the global warming situation too. The story centers on a Soul named Wanderer, who's a bit of a legend among her people, known for her extensive travels and lives on different planets. She takes up residence in the body of a woman named Melanie. Things get interesting when Melanie doesn't just fade away like she's supposed to do. She's there with Wanderer, and she tries to gain her sympathies by sharing stories of her brother Jamie and her boyfriend Jared.
Definitely worth a read, though this one is a bit of a slow starter. By page 300, though, you'll have that familiar Stephenie Meyer "what was my life like before this book?" feeling.
We've got this title on audio if you prefer, or you'll find this in the new book section upstairs (since it's an adult title.) If you haven't had a chance to check out our new Bestseller Collection, now's the time, since we have an additional copy of The Host there as well. The Bestseller Collection is with the New Books, and it's full of titles that are in high demand. They circulate for one week, and you can't put them on hold, so you just have to see what's in stock when you get here.