Mutiny - by John Boyne - A good read, the story got me to investigate further about the subject. It starts out with the reminiscences of of John Jacob Turnstile - Later we become aware of what he has made of his life - which brings you to the beginning of the story - I liked the way the author used that device.
One of a band of young thieves, John Jacob Turnstile has just been caught picking a watch from a gentleman, Matthieu Zela, who refuses to press charges.
The police are intent on sending the boy to prison anyway for this and previous misdeeds. Matthieu Zela intervenes to have the boy sent to sea - The arrangement is agreed upon by the judge. John Jacob Turnstile, nicknamed "Turnip" by a number of the crew, soon finds himself on the journey of a lifetime.
The ship is the Bounty, and this is the infamous story of the mutiny. According to review sources, Mutiny is the first novel to explore all the events relating to the Bounty’s voyage. Bligh and Christian are given more historically accurate looks which diverge from their portrayals in the classic, Mutiny on the Bounty by Nordhoff and Hall.