"I felt nothing or maybe it's more accurate to say I felt the Absence of Everything"
Head Case by Sarah Aronson chronicles the life of an injured teenager, Frank Marder. Confined to a wheel chair after a spinal cord injury, Frank struggles to do every task that once required little effort. Without the aid of several nurses and his grieving parents, Frank’s paralysis would prevent him from accessing the most basic necessities, neither food nor water.
Drunk Driving cost Frank his movement but girlfriend as well. Having lost a friend in similar circumstances I was able to relate to what some of the characters must have felt during times of great loss. Statistics say alcohol kills upwards of 400,000 people yearly, with 30% of those deaths caused by drunken driving accidents. The statistics speak to how careful youth must be when taking such risks.
Aronson connects well to her audience by writing about a relevant subject. The risks of drunk driving should be reinforced within this particular age group. She captures the audience with Frank’s story of hardship and writes with ease. Good Read.
Head Case by Sarah Aronson chronicles the life of an injured teenager, Frank Marder. Confined to a wheel chair after a spinal cord injury, Frank struggles to do every task that once required little effort. Without the aid of several nurses and his grieving parents, Frank’s paralysis would prevent him from accessing the most basic necessities, neither food nor water.
Drunk Driving cost Frank his movement but girlfriend as well. Having lost a friend in similar circumstances I was able to relate to what some of the characters must have felt during times of great loss. Statistics say alcohol kills upwards of 400,000 people yearly, with 30% of those deaths caused by drunken driving accidents. The statistics speak to how careful youth must be when taking such risks.
Aronson connects well to her audience by writing about a relevant subject. The risks of drunk driving should be reinforced within this particular age group. She captures the audience with Frank’s story of hardship and writes with ease. Good Read.